Eddie Wilson knew the type of T.L.C. that is a main ingredient in Southern cooking well before opening the kitchen at the Armadillo Headquarters. Everyday, his mother Beulah, would cook for 50 children at the nursery that she opened. With the taste of his mother's cooking forever imprinted on his taste buds and the knowledge that goes into creating it, Eddie opened the kitchen at the Armadillo where touring acts were as attracted to the food as they were to the packed and frenzied concert goers.
With the incredible food, overflowing plates of it and at generous prices, along with his touch at hiring only the friendliest wait staff, the opening of Threadgill's in 1981 was a smash. Bon Appetit thought the food was so good that they ran a story about it, as did Gourmet Magazine.
The banquet facility behind the north location is called the Upstairs Store, where Wilson has displayed vintage articles and memorabilia from the "old Austin", cerca 1930-1940s. The room is ideal for rehearsal dinners, reunions, fund raisers or any other reason that you might want to gather friends and family around for a celebration with an authentic Southern feast.
The meals are served on Blue Willow china and features three entrees, five vegetables or salads, fresh hot bread, and two scrumptious desserts. Iced tea and coffee are also served, and a wet bar if preferred. The atmosphere and vittles are strictly Austin, and cannot be replicated anywhere.
Threadgill's also provides catering for a wide variety of events, whether it be at a backyard party or at a rock n' roll club. Their expert cooks, bartenders and servers are sure to provide the perfect meal, anytime, anywhere. You may choose from five menus and from a breakfast menu for a morning affair. Or you may create your own menu. Either way, it is guaranteed to be a hit.
For the true Austin experience, Threadgill's restaurants are landmarks. Please come be a part of the World Headquarters' Beer Garden concert series and head North on Lamar to Old No. 1 for music and chicken fried anything you want on Tuesday nights.
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