A part of Capital Metro, the MetroBus buses provide a clean, inexpensive and reliable way to get around Austin. All bus stops are labeled with a unique ID# and the route numbers that serve that bus stop. You'll find instructions at every stop to show you how to use the bus stop ID# and a cell phone to find out when the next several buses are scheduled to arrive. Buses also display route numbers, names and final destinations in lighted signs above the windshield.
They accept exact change or you can use one of their convenient passes. Just drop your coins in the fare box, insert your bills,or swipe your pass. Be sure to check out the CapMetro app for buying passes or planning your trip. Sit anywhere you like, but front seats are normally reserved for seniors and people with disabilities. It's also okay to stand in the aisle behind the yellow line, if you prefer.
See the MetroBus schedule here.